Friday, October 22, 2010


I made the decision to take on the challenge of NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. This means during the month of November I will write an entire novel of at least fifty-thousand words. Some people use NaNoWriMo as a way to finally write a novel, which I can fully respect. The goal of writing a book is something too many people plan to do but never quite get there, and nothing motivates better than a deadline. For me it will be a personal challenge to write as fast as I can without being harsh on myself, shake things up bit, and in a lot of ways have fun without over-thinking anything. I want the thing to have a stream-of-consciousness feel, to be almost a road map of thought that finds its way through the story rather than be a very rigid, planned-out affair, which is my normal route. There's nothing wrong with that of course, it achieves an effect, but at some point it's good to step outside the normal path to get a better look at it. So I'll be writing as fast as possible, almost too fast, to bypass the internal editor, to stumble into new ways of wording things before they're pushed away by years of school and such.

Until then, I'm practicing. I'll share the results up until the end of October. Then I'll disappear.

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